Belushi On Chess


Belushi On Chess

Join the website for more humor and instruction: clip appears in "Profiles In Sports" (Season 10, Episode 5) from Saturday Nig…

Join the website for more humor and instruction:

Chess clip appears in “Profiles In Sports” (Season 10, Episode 5) from Saturday Night Live (November 10th, 1984).

Harold Ramp…..Jim Belushi

Announcer: …For over half a century, dozens of world grand masters have come out of America’s high school chess clubs. Most of the credit for that belongs to the unsung hero of chess – the high school chess coach.

[ show Chess Coach Harold Ramp yelling at his players during a match ]

Harold Ramp: Pawn to Rook 4! Pawn to Rook 4! Nooooooo!! Get up, get up, sit down, sit down!!

[ starts kicking chairs around ]

Announcer: Harold Ramp, of Rockville Center High…


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